Day 89 - The book of Ruth - 4 short chapters...but what an amazing treasure contained therein.
This book is one of my favorites - 3 love stories in 1 place...the love of a mother/daughter, husband/wife and redeemer/sinner (outcast, foreigner).
The greatest information from this book is about a REDEEMER - which Boaz represents in his position as a goel.
To be a redeemer there are certain qualifications needed: Closest living relative, financial ability and willingness.
In reference to our REDEEMER, Christ came as a man (relationship), who was also fully God (ability) and voluntarily accepted the cost of redeeming HIS people (willingness).
Husband/wife - best romance story, ever! Boaz - A man who loved the Lord God with a passion. Desiring to give a proper representation in all areas of his life. Willing to do what the Lord had called him to do and being ultimately blessed by Father. Ruth - an outcast, foreigner, Moabite...Father had chosen her to be a special vessel and created a desire in her to learn about the God of Israel, to know HIM, to walk in HIS ways, to give a proper estimate of Him in every area of her life. Father rewarded them both, abundantly, what a wonderful testimony their lives are to the faithfulness of God.
I wonder how old each were...there is nothing in scripture which gives an accurate indication...an ageless, timeless love story of sacrifice, dedication, devotion and commitment. Ahhhhh. 

Mother/Daughter - Naomi (pleasant) suffers the loss of leaving home, friends and family to travel to the land of Moab. Loses her husband, sees her sons married and sometime after both die. Starts for home with both DIL's, and dissuades one (Orpah) to return to her family and gods...but not Ruth...Ruth who is committed to the God that Naomi has obviously shared with her. Committed to loving a woman who had suffered much pain, loss and agony and desiring to walk along side her in the journey of life.
I love this story...and am deeply touched by the devotion of a God who is all and chose to redeem me...me who was unworthy, unthankful, unwilling...HE chose to be my goel...to show me the magnitude of HIS love and mercy that I might share with others and give HIM all the glory, regardless of situations, circumstances or people.
Lord, let Your name be magnified throughout the earth...may deaf ears be opened and blind eyes made to see and may those who are Your chosen and elect ones desire to speak forth Your words with boldness and clarity. Increase Father, increase Your laborers into the harvest.
May the manifold blessings of our Father be upon each of you, your children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.
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