Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Days 91 to 93 - 2010

Originally posted in a forum in 2010 - this post may contain links which are no longer valid, if you find a non-working link, please let me know and I will attempt to find a replacement or make a correction as necessary.

Days 91 - 93

Late events of Israel's reign - birth of Eli - birth of Abimelech - death of Gideon and 5th apostasy - resign of Abimelech (served 3 years) ends violently (apx 28 years) - 7th judge Tola (served 23 years) - defends Israel, lived in Mount Ephraim - birth of Jesse - 8th judge Jair (served 22 years) - 9th judge Eli (served 40 years) - Jephthah's youth - Samson's introduction, parents, birth - Samuel's introduction, parents, birth - 6th apostasy and 5th servitude, Ammonites in the East - Philistines in the West - Dedication of Samuel - Hannah's song.

Backtracking: Deborah - this weighed heavy on my mind, a married woman 'working' outside the home...and as I prayed and reflected on the passage:

Jdg 4:4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.

Deborah was not under the headship of any other person (outside of God) except her husband. I know some will be challenged by this, but I believe that married women should not be working outside of their home and out from under the headship of their husbands.

With that said...I KNOW there are extenuating circumstances, but if we are honest with ourselves most married working women could stay home. It would involved A LOT of changes and present an enumerable amount of challenges. However, our society, as a whole, would be much better served. The building blocks of a nation are the family unit. It is quite obvious that our nation is crumbling into ruin and decay.

Another item brought to my attention by a fellow warrior in Christ Jesus - Boaz's mother was Rahab. Obviously Father was/is in control, but pondering if Boaz was predisposed towards Ruth based on his knowledge and experience with his mother.

If you would like a quick genealogy, go here:

Samson's mother and Hannah - both barren women (which was a horrible predicament in their culture) and neither child was to have a razor touch their heads. I find it interesting that both women gave counsel or correction to their husbands, though obviously done in private, was worth mentioning in scripture.

This is not to say that they usurped the authority or natural order in marriage, but the husbands were either instructed to heed the advice or affirmed what was spoken. Just as Father affirmed the advice given by Sarah to Abraham about Hagar and Ishmael. Wives need to pick carefully what they say to their husbands in public, especially if it is a critique or criticism.

This was a point reiterated by Voddie Baucham on his video Marriage By Design. If you would like more information on his ministry, go

1Pe 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Father, we, as a nation have sinned grievously against You. Lord, we have upset the natural order of Your design. Followed after vain and worthless pursuits, rather than choosing to seek after that which will sustain the fire of Your judgment. Lord, let not this generation pass without repentance, nor the next generations fail to see the futility of the striving after the wind to which we have hearkened. Only by your unlimited grace and mercy can this nation turn from its wickedness and repent, O' Father, hear the cry and bring healing. Raise up those who will stand in the gap, to pray and intercede for this lost and dying nation.

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