Friday, April 12, 2013

Days 101-102 - 2010

Originally posted in a forum in 2010 - this post may contain links which are no longer valid, if you find a non-working link, please let me know and I will attempt to find a replacement or make a correction as necessary.

Days 101 and 102

David marries Michal.

Psalm 12

David's dangers and flights - Jonathan warns David of impending trouble.

Psalm 11

Saul's varied behavior toward David.

Michal delivers David - Saul intended to use his daughter to get at David. Michal proved her loving devotion for her husband by protecting him. Another example of a 'righteous' lie. The midwives lied, Rahab lied and Michal, all to protect innocent life. We reviewed this a couple of Sunday's ago - is it okay to lie? Only when protecting innocent life (and not to keep your skin intact as when Abram lied).

Psalm 59

David flees to Samuel at Ramah with Saul in pursuit.

Psalm 7

Psalm 25

Jonathan's arrows warn David - Saul with javelin in hand, again. After David having Saul throw the javelin at him twice, I would be less than inclined to be in the same room with Saul...especially if he was holding a weapon. Jonathan gets the same treatment. Is a true and trusted friend.

His (David) flight - flees to Ahimelech - priest at Nob. Doeg the Edomite is a traitor to David.

Goes to Achish, the king of Gath - pretends to be mad man...scrapping at the doors and drooling.

Psalm 34

Psalm 56

All of the Psalms are a refreshment to the soul...but especially when we are in difficult and/or trying times they are very soothing. David endured great trials, God allowed him to be tested again and again and again. I find so much comfort in reading the Psalms - it reminds me that I am not alone, that I, like many of my fellow warriors in Christ Jesus experience tough times and can call upon the Lord to guide, assist, strengthen and encourage me.

As you journey towards our celestial city, either going into, in or leaving a trial behind, be encouraged by reading HIS word. May a multitude of blessings be with you and upon you. Your fellow saint in Christ Jesus,


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