Days 145-146
Adversaries Come
-Hadad - 1 Kings 11:14
-Rezon - 1 Kings 11:23-25
-Jeroboam - 1 Kings 11:26-40
Birth of Jehoiada - 2 Chronicles 24:15
The Unhappy Condition of a Backslider
-Introduction - Ecc 1:1-11
-Wisdom Also Is Vain - Ecc 1:12-18
-Emptiness in Pleasure - Ecc 2:1-3
-Vanity of Riches and Works - Ecc 2:4-11
-End of Wisdom and Folly - Ecc 2:12-26
-Weariness of Life - Ecc 3;1-22; Psalm 49
Review of All Things Under the Sun
-Oppressions and Inequities of Life - Ecc 4;1-16
-Riches and Poverty - Ecc 5:1-20
-Man's Inevitable End - Ecc 6:1-12
-Incurable Evil of Man - Ecc 7:129
-Mystery of Divine Providence - Ecc 8:1-17
-Worlds Wrong Standard of Value - Ecc 9:1-18
-Anarchy of the World - Ecc 10:1-20
*~*~*~*~I was pondering, again, how Solomon started well, then fell into sin and idolatry...and as I read the passages for today and reflected on "the unhappy condition of a backslider" and what Solomon had to say in Ecclesiastes I wonder if this was a time of reflection and repentance?
Recapping Solomon's life (all dates obviously BC

1003 or 1015 - Born
986 - Marriage to Naamah
985 - Anointed King
985-945 - Reign
983 - Asks for Wisdom
982-962 - Builds Temple
982 or 983 - Execution of Shimei (remember him? He cursed David as he fled from Absalom.)
975-962 - Royal Palace Built
975-972 - Furnishings for the Temple
972 or 974 - Dedication of the Temple - Ark placed
962-945 - Solomon's Fame/Downfall
961 or 964 - Queen Sheba's Visit
954 - Adversaries
947 - Unhappy
945 - Death
I mentioned to a friend (again) how Solomon spoke 3000 proverbs (obviously I am fixated on this! lol) and she reminded me that the chapter and verse numbering in scripture is of men...that a proverb is usually a one line item...soooo, I added up all the verses in Proverbs - 887...still a far cry from 3000...but an interesting thought nonetheless.
I do not want to get to the end of my life and be remorseful of how I spent the time Father gave me on this side of glory...I want every day to be an adventure with and for HIM...realizing that there will be sin, sadness, recognition of my sin, repentance and replacing my sinful attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, etc. with HIS ways, thoughts and actions. That I am always a WIP (work in progress), that the sanctification process is ALWAYS ongoing...but never living in a state of regret...repentant and move on...but not a continual regret.
I fervently hope that when the close of my days comes...that I will be able to hear HIM say, well done thou good and faithful servant...that I will have poured out my life as an offering to Him, desiring in all that I say, do and think to give a proper estimate of who HE is to those whose lives HE has ordained that I touch.
What about you?
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