Saturday, April 6, 2013

Days 94 to 96 - 2010

Originally posted in a forum in 2010 - this post may contain links which are no longer valid, if you find a non-working link, please let me know and I will attempt to find a replacement or make a correction as necessary.

Days 94 - 96

Exploits of Samson begin - tells his parents he wants to take a wife of the Philistines. Marries, is disappointed in her behavior and those of her nation, abandons her.

Eli's evil sons - faithless priests.

Samuel's childhood in Tabernacle at Shiloh.

Birth of Saul.

Call of Samuel.

10th Judge - Jephthah of Gilead (served 6 years).

11th Judge- Samson (served 20 years).

Warning to Eli.

Ark taken, death of Eli (98 years).

Ark became a curse to Philistines, remains there 7 months - Heh, Dagon falls on his face before the Ark. Philistines send the Ark to another city (NIMBY). Then they were stricken with emerods (I have never looked this word up before)...a turior; also a mound, that is, fortress (H6076). This site had an interesting definition:

Whatever it was, it was replicated in gold, along with 5 golden mice, which is interesting based on the online definition I browsed.

Ark restored and brought to Bethshemesh - men of the city look into the Ark...and 50,700 die. That is a small army.

Ark rests at Kirjath-Jearim.

12th Judge - Ibzan (served 7 years).

Samson and the Philistines - slays 100 with the jawbone of a donkey.

Saul's marriage and family.

Birth of Jonathan.

13th Judge - Elon (served 10 years).

Samson and Delilah.

Death of Samson - I was feeling pretty haughty about this - Samson asks to be avenged of the Philistines for his two eyes...and my thought was he was more concerned about revenge over the loss of his eyes than about the blaspheme of God's name that he had caused by his fleshly indulgences...beware of Pharisaical mind sets...I went to the Hall of faith...and there he was and browsed the commentaries and Father humbled my attitude. We all fall short and battle the desires of the flesh in some shape or easy it is to get puffed up and proud, I need to remember to pluck out my own beam. How much do I hate the sin within me?

Revival at Mizpeh - one of the strange gods the Israelites were to put away from them was Ashtaroth, also known as Ashtoreth (moon goddess of the Phoenicians), Ishtar (of the Accadians), Astarte (of the Greeks) and where we get the name Easter.

Philistines defeated.

Samuel's leadership.

14th Judge - Abdon (served 8 years)

Birth of Barzillai.

Israel demands a king, ignores Samuel's counsel - Moses foretold this event. God's word always comes to pass.

Birth of Ish-bosheth.

I thought it interesting how many judges Israel had prior to their 1st king and how several of them seemed to overlap - I have enjoyed the dating information provided (births/deaths) as it gives a broader picture of who was alive at the same time and how their lives overlapped or intersected.

Hope all are being blessed as they read through Father's word...and if not in this format, reading HIS word daily in some manner. Remember, we eat physical food daily, do we give as much diligence to our Spiritual food?

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