Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 136 ~ 2010

Day 136 - Song of Solomon - written by Solomon approximately around 950 B.C.

I did not want to 'bunch' this in with the previous days...for some reason I felt it needed to stand on its own. This passage of Scripture has manifold meanings...a love story between a man and woman; an allusion to the love of Christ for the Church...and I am sure I have not plumbed the depths, nor intensity, of the passages.

May these words of our Father be a blessing, refreshment and encouragement to you.

Bride and Bridegroom - Song of Solomon - Love's Beginnings (Creation) - Chapter 1:1-17; 2:1-7

Love's Absence (Law) - 2:8-17; 3:1-5

Love's Restoration (Calvary) - 3:6-11; 4:1-16; 5:1

Love Delayed (Grace) - 5:2-16; 6:1-3

Love's Fulfillment (Second Advent) - 6:4-13; 7:1-13; 8:1-4

Love's Triumph (Eternity) - 8:5-14

According to the Word Study Old Testament - portions of the Song of Solomon are sung during the Feast of Passover. Some hold this passage is only about man/woman relationship. Others that this was written to show the Lord's love for Israel and His love for the Church and each believer. As the "Bride" of Christ, the Church and Israel are required to return that love as if bound by wedding vows.

Another view holds that there are 3 people involved in the narrative: Solomon, the Shulamite and the shepherd lover.

"The historical perspective is of importance in that Solomon and the Shulamite woman are describing the ramifications of pure love, while the shepherd is trying to turn the woman's heart away from Solomon. The shepherd attempts to convince the woman that though she has been taken to the palace of King Solomon as his bride, she would really rather be at home with the shepherd, close to all that he claims she holds dear. These characters are representative of the relationship of God with His people. Solomon represents God and Christ, and the Shulamite woman (as the bride) refers to HIS chosen people, Israel, and to believers. Finally, the shepherd lover is a picture of the world and its entrapments, which seek to destroy the bond that is formed between God and His people."

*~*~*~* May we, as the Bride of Christ, seek to honor our vow to Him, who purchased us with HIS own blood, to make us a righteous people. Ever desiring to grow closer and more intimate with HIM daily. *~*~*~*

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