Originally posted in a forum in 2010 - this post may contain links which are no longer valid, if you find a non-working link, please let me know and I will attempt to find a replacement or make a correction as necessary.
I have been reading!

I am SO thankful that Father has given me a hope that is eternal, that will not fade away. That nothing can separate me from HIM. That HE is with me regardless of where I am or what trials, tribulations or tests HE is allowing in my life. All designed to refine and draw me ever closer to HIM.
Truly, even in the midst of difficult times, HE is and always will be a GOOD GOD.
Days 55-59 - HIGHLIGHTS - Moses complains (can you imagine?)
Miriam gets too big for her britches and Father disciplines her (sooo glad HE disciplines me - hopefully NEVER like that!)
Plague of quail (can you imagine the multitude of feathered bodies?)
Spies bring back a bad report (looking at the circumstances and not the DELIVERER - oh Lord forgive me when I fall short in this area and do the same thing!)
Cursed from entering the land - O Lord, where has my unbelief in You and Your sovereign plan for my life fallen short?
and then they try to go forward and go in - the flesh in action...Lord help me to keep my flesh in subjection to You!
Repentance? Too little, too late - how often do I do this?
Korah - Dathan rebel - the earth swallows them up! I can not even imagine what it would be like to watch the earth open her mouth suck someone and all their belongings into it and then close up. I would be terrified beyond belief - how humbled am I by seeing the rebellion of others and knowing that except for the grace of God I would be just as rebellious and hard hearted?
Aaron's rod budded - I always am amazed at this passage - 12 almond branches, but off, placed in the tabernacle, only 1 buds and produces fruit. I have yet to see something cut from and not placed in water or growing medium, bud and then produce fruit - in one night? Only by the omniscient hand of a living God could this occur. He has cut me off from the synagogue of satan and placed me in HIS righteousness, is continuing to cause me to bud and produce fruit. How awesome.
Levitical responsibilities - as priests of the Most High God - where and what am I to be doing to fully represent HIM accurately and honestly in all areas of my life?
Years of wandering - 40 years - a cloud by day, a pillar by night - 40 long years, waiting for people to die off, 20 and upward - anyone under 20 was allowed to go into the land.
Whine and complain again? No water? Thank you Lord that you are the living water that refreshes our souls day by day.
Moses and Aaron disobedient - Aaron was denied access to the promised land based on this act of rebellion. I have missed this in years past - think of all that he did, golden calf, murmuring against Moses' wife and this in the act which did him in. Moses as well - he heard God say, "...take your rod and SPEAK to the rock...." in a previous time Moses was instructed to strike the a rock - but not this time. How often do I 'hear' God (i.e. HIS WORD) and think I understand what HE wants me to do and have totally missed it?
Aaron dies - Eleazar becomes high priest (note the high priest had to DIE before he could be replaced) - people murmur AGAIN! Father sends fiery serpents to chastise them - a serpent of bronze is made and used to heal those who have been bitten.
God gave them victories as they traveled - how oft do I forget the victories that Father has blessed me with, rather choosing to dwell on what is not right, or worse reflecting on what is missing from my life or what I am not getting, when I want it, how I want it, etc. etc.
O Lord, thank You that You are a gracious and merciful High Priest, that You died and came back to life. That You live to ever make intercession for this weak, fallible flesh. Thank You Father for sending Your son to be the Passover lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. Thank You that You have and never will leave or forsake me. That you have raised me up, not because of who I am, but because of who You are. Lord help me to remember that this season of life, caught in the box of time, lasts only a very short time, that eternity calls...and that while I am on this side of glory I am to be growing closer and deeper in love with You - giving a proper estimate of who YOU are in all that I say, do and think.
May the manifold blessings of our Father touch your heart this day - may HE draw you closer each and every second of every minute. May the passion and desire of your heart be to give a worthy reflection of HIM as you travel this land as HIS ambassador.
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