I'm Not Alone
While crying out for guidance,holding that the flesh is weak,
From within a gentle silence,
comes the answers that I seek.
When my days are at their darkest
and the nights produce no rest,
in His spirit there's a stillness,
where He summons up my best.
Since temptations are unyielding
in their attempts to gain control,
His grace provides the shielding,
that protects my mortal soul.
Knowing I can not defeat them;
yet, with Him I'm not alone,
as He goes out to greet them,
soon my troubles will be gone.
I am shielded by His blessing
with this armor that I wear
and safe from life's transgressions
by the powers found in prayer.
My cup is free from sorrow,
it's overflowing at the brim.
I can stand and face tomorrow,
having placed my faith in Him.
~© 2001 Eddie Moore Jr.~

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