Saturday, December 24, 2011


By Pastor Jim Grove

Take this simple quiz to find out:

1. Does your church have a Constitution or By-laws by which it is governed?

2. Does your church elect officers such as: Trustees, President, Chairman of the Board, Clerk, or a Treasurer?

3. Is your church 501(c)3 Tax Exempt with the IRS?

4. Is your church State Incorporated or an unincorporated association?

5. Does your church belong to a Tax Exempt or incorporated Denomination?


A "YES" to any of the previous questions means that your church is, indeed, married. But, Some of the questions you may not have been able to answer. The majority of people who attend a church rarely know anything about the way that the church is governed. If you answered any of the questions with a yes, then what you are about to read may shock you.

Churches have a Constitution and/or By-laws because the State "demands" that all "Incorporated Churches" be governed by one!

When a church incorporates it actually takes the State's Corporate Law Book and superimposes it down over top of the Bible and declares that the State is now the senior partner in the governing of this new union between the Church and the State. To incorporate means to blend two things into one. That indicates that the church is no longer what it once was (it becomes a State owned Corporation - Church Inc.)

There is no Biblical justification whatsoever to take the Church of the Lord Jesus, which He purchased with His own blood, and unite it with the State through incorporation.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers . . . Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord. . ." 2 Cor. 6:14-17.

Fundamental preachers have rightly preached this Scripture and applied it to the area of marital and personal relationships, business involvement and ecclesiastical separation; however, they have failed to see and apply it to the legal area in yoking the Church with the State in this thing called incorporation. Incorporation is definitely a yoking up, a blending together, a two becoming one, YES, A MARRIAGE. And I might add, an unholy one as well.

Continue reading-->HERE.

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