Regardless of where you stand on this issue, or if you've never considered it, be exhorted and encouraged to spend time daily in HIS be wholly submitted to HIS will where ever He has you during this season. Bloom where you're planted. May the peace of God, which passes ALL understanding, guide, direct and keep you as you seek to know Him more intimately with each passing day, hour and minute.
May the glorious thought of His return keep all of us actively, fervently preparing and warning of the Master's return. ~ Melissa
And if this is a repeat of something I've shared previously...well perhaps HE wants us to review!
"Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?" (Romans 9:21). |

Copyright © 1998, 2000 by Phillip R. Johnson. All rights reserved.
(Special thanks to Larry Wing for encouraging me to put this on line.)

This page looks at four major ways of ordering the soteriological elements of God's eternal decree—with a particular focus on the difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism. I have summarized the differences in a side-by-side comparison below. Explanatory notes follow.
Supralapsarianism | Infralapsarianism | Amyraldism | Arminianism |
The distinction between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism has to do with the logical order of God's eternal decrees, not the timing of election. Neither side suggests that the elect were chosen after Adam sinned. God made His choice before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4)—long before Adam sinned. Both infras and supras (and even many Arminians) agree on this.
Read more -->HERE.
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