Sunday, April 1, 2012

Omnipotence of God Definition - Omnipotence:
almighty or infinite in power, as God.
having very great or unlimited authority or power.

Synonyms - 2.  powerful, mighty, supreme.

2.  impotent, powerless, helpless.
A question was raised about the power of God and whether or not anything can happen outside of His will.  I went searching and came across a couple of articles, sharing:

Theopedia had a link to a chapter written by A.W. Pink, Gleanings in the Godhead.  I particularly liked this:

Too, God restrains the natural corruption of men. He suffers sufficient outbreaks of sin to show what fearful havoc has been wrought by man’s apostasy from his Maker. But who can conceive the frightful lengths to which men would go were God to remove His curbing hand? "Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness, their feet are swift to shed blood" (Rom. 3:15) is the nature of every descendant of Adam. Then what unbridled licentiousness and headstrong folly would triumph in the world, if the power of God did not interpose to lock down the flood-gates of it. See Psalm 93:3-4. 
Another article on omnipotence from the Blue Letter Bible:

When the Bible speaks of God, it speaks of Him as being all-powerful or omnipotent. The word omnipotent comes from two Latin words, omnis, meaning all, and poetntia or potens which means power. Hence the God of the Bible is the God of all power. The Bible says.

And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns (Revelation 19:6).

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