Sunday, October 2, 2011

Roman Catholic Church

Is it a cult?  A true Christian church?  Researching and reviewing information.

Below are very brief overviews of the chapters:

On Peter:  The Roman Catholic Church views all of these things, and more, as confirmation of the primacy of Peter – a position supposedly established by Christ when He addressed His servant memorably at Caesarea Philippi: “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18).  Is this Christ’s institution of what we now know as the Papacy? Was Peter himself, and in the person of his successors, to be ‘the rock’ on which He would build His church? There are very many reasons for rejecting
such an interpretation.

Regarding One Mediator - Jesus Christ:  Roman Catholicism, however, usurps Christ’s position by giving the Pope supreme apostolic authority to define all doctrine – infallibly – concerning faith or morals.

Justification, the Roman Catholic Church believes:  – “Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves, and for others, the graces needed for our sanctification…and for the attainment of eternal life.”

Rev. John Greer: "Since the attitude to the doctrine of justification indicates whether a church is standing or
falling, we may conclude that the Roman Catholic Church is fallen! It fails the test. It is not, in the scriptural sense, a truly Christian church, and should not be accepted as such. With such a church, there can be no fellowship."

Regarding the remembrance of Christ and His atoning work on the cross and the *mass* - Today, the notion is propagated that there is little difference between the Roman Catholic mass and the simple observance of the Lord’s Supper as practised by Protestants. This is not so.

The Mandate -

1. We are to mark those who teach error.
2. We are to reprove those who teach error.
3. We are to  reject those who teach error.
4. We are to have no fellowship with those who teach error.
5. We are to  separate from those who teach error.

To read the article in its entirety -

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