Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 221-11 through 225-11

Day 221
Day 222
Day 223
Day 224

Day 225
Major issues with formatting...obviously I have taken time away from posting...still wrestling through with what Father would have me to do in regards to blogging along daily or not.  At this juncture, I am going to finish out the year with the outline, *just* in case someone wants/needs the format to read through chronologically and does not have a Bible that has it presented in that format.

I will, as Father leads, and time allows post musings.  To be quite honest and upfront, I have been wrestling greatly with the thoughts of why does it matter.  What have I to say or post about that would be of any great benefit or exhortation to anyone.  I know that sounds as if I am playing the violin solo...and is in some regards accurate.  I am trying, however, to get my thoughts, time, efforts, words that I write or speak to be a glorification of, for and to HIM.

I appreciate the prayers of the saints for me during this season of reflection and seeking to be a better and more accurate example of HIM.

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