Saturday, December 10, 2011

Age of Accountability or Infant Salvation?

by Tony Warren

The age of accountability is one of the many misleading terms that are often used in Christian circles. Most would agree that it basically means, "a person who is young enough that he is not yet able to understand fully the results of his actions." It is theorized by some that these children are not held accountable for the things that they do that are against God's law. For example, a six year old child that might hit his sister over the head with a toy block in anger. Theoretically, this child is not held accountable by God because he had not yet reached an age where he was able to fully understand what he was doing. The problem with this theory is that it is based upon logical processes of the fallen human nature, and is a perverse twisting of God's law for the sake of what seems right in our own eyes. There is nothing in God's law that declares anyone must fully understand sin, before it is actually accounted as sin. On the contrary, this doctrine is both un-biblical and self serving, for it presupposes unrighteously that sin must first be recognized as sin before it is actually accountable. But nothing in scripture supports such a thesis.

Another theory is that all children are automatically guaranteed salvation because God loves children. The texts most often quoted are verses such as Matthew 19:19, Mark 10:14 or Luke 18:16, where Jesus says things like "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." But this is a misunderstanding of this application, for Jesus is merely using children as an illustration of the Christian, as he is a child of God. He is making the analogy of how the believers are to be humble "as children." Jesus taught that we are to walk meekly, accepting and receiving the word of our father as children do with their earthly fathers. This has nothing to do with children being righteous or being without sin, which is actually a heretical teaching. For all professing Christians should know inherently that there are none who are without sin. Only God is without sin, and those who are regenerated in Him, washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. These alone are automatically guaranteed Salvation.

While these doctrines of accountability may serve to comfort bereaved parents who have lost children, either through accidents, murder, miscarriage, abortion, or sickness, it is not a Biblically validated view and is contrary to all that God has declared of sin and all those who commit it. The plain truth is, this theory is simply a natural humanistic response in sentimentality that is closely related to man thinking more of himself than is justified. i.e., we naturally all want to think nice things about children. But sentimentality does not govern how we are to understand God's word, it is the word itself that does that. And God doesn't share the popular Church opinion that a child's sins are unaccountable because of their age.

Read more --->HERE

Note:  I have read this article in its entirety and think it to adequately address the issue.  May our understanding and acceptance of HIS ways be a delight to our souls.

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