Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feminism 101

Feminism 101 - What I thought I knew, what I found out to be true.

This journey started quite a while back - in reality in started before I was born - feminism - and I was simply riding the 'wave' of what it wrought, never questioning the status quo.  Going along, not because I necessarily agreed, but because I did not take the time or effort to question how things were, why they were the way they are, or how they got there.

Some of the questions I have begun to ask myself:  Where did it come from?  What is its agenda?  Where is it taking us?  Or worse, where has it left us?

I have spent a bit of time researching, not as thoroughly as I'd like, but enough to warrant calling out to my fellow sisters:  WE ARE IN DANGER.  Especially those within the body of Christ of drinking down the poisonous potion of feminism.  It is permeating womanhood - true femininity - we need to recapture what has been lost.  We need to stand firm for being a biblical woman - to learn and grow and share.

I am frankly amazed at how many in the feminist camps have no qualms about stating their positions and beliefs without any fear of reprisal or upbraiding.  There is nothing in their demeanor or attitudes that makes them question, at all, that their agenda is correct, they are speaking for all of womankind (I don't think so) and they have the best interest of females at the forefront of their plans (yeah, right!).

Let's take the standard questions that are asked by a feministic society and/or people in an attempt to gather converts into their camp:

1.  Do you support equal pay for equal work?

2.  Do you think girls should be encouraged to study math and science?

3. Do you think that women should be able to play sports if they want?

4.  Should abortion be available to save women's lives?

Most people, even Christians would answer the first 3 in the affirmative.  Many 'religious' or 'moral' folks would balk at #4.  I am anti-death - choosing death for someone is rarely a choice any human needs to make for another, if ever.

If the feminists were honest in their questions, they would really ask:

1.  Do you think mothers who stay at home are betraying women's progress and hurting their children?

2.  Should standards be lowered so women can serve in physically demanding military jobs alongside men?

3.  If not enough women are playing sports, should men's teams be eliminated so athletes on campus are evenly split between the genders?

4.  Should abortion be permitted on the eve of delivery?  Or at any time that the mother finds being pregnant is not 'convenient?'

I did not come up with these questions on my own, they are borrowed from a book, "Women Who Make the World WORSE."  In addition, I have several websites I am browsing and will pull information from there as well.  I will, when borrowing from others, try to give credit where credit is due and to give links so that others may explore and learn, grow and share.

I will continue this thread by examining the questions I have asked at the steps...piece by piece...examining and sharing.

Lord, You alone are merciful and gracious.  You have set forth in Your Word how men and women should treat one another, the roles and responsibilities You have for them.  Father, do not allow us to be impacted by the culture, to be swept along with its wave as it crashes and fails on the banks of fallen humanity.  Lord, gives us the wisdom, discernment and thirst to open up Your Word, to read, to understand, comprehend and implement what You have given.  Not to squash us, but to protect and provide for us.  Help us as women to fully embrace biblical womanhood, to reclaim that which has been lost, trampled, destroyed, mocked and ridiculed.  Lord, strengthen our hands to the work of reclaiming truly feminine.

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